This was an experiment that became one of my favorite paintings. While talking on the phone one evening, a streak of sunlight came streaming across the room, hitting the crystal objects on the table beside me. I grabbed the camera and took a one-handed, fuzzy picture that didn't come close to capturing the beautiful colors I was seeing. Nevertheless, I was inspired to paint the scene. I wanted the shadowy figure in the back to be the most important part of the painting. A well-known way to do this is to surround a bright object with darker, shadowy colors but would the reverse work? Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Success! Everyone who has seen this painting is immediately drawn to the mysterious figure in the back. Who or what is it? The answer is in the title of the painting. Bird Girl is a famous statue in an old cemetery in Savannah. She was featured on the cover of the novel, "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil," by John Berendt. A replica stands on our fireplace hearth.